Kenai looks like his father .. yea whats new. I do think he look far better than me, with his cute smile and antics.
BUT ...
Last time I printed out one big picture for my aunt ... and this is the picture I've chosen.

Why do you ask ??
It represent him fully. A curious stare with some "blankness" in them hahahaha, "tatapan melongo" in bahasa.
It recap the usual greeting that I've usually used to Kenai:
"Selamat pagi/siang/malam Keken, apa kabar ? Apa yang bisa papa bantu Keken ? Kenapa tampangnya bengong seperti itu Keken ?"
Good morning/afternoon/evening Keken, how are you? (He will stare at me .. no smile, just staring curiously)
What can I do for you Keken? (still staring ... maybe a hint of smile)
Why do you stare like that Keken?
Yep it recaps, this is Kenai :)