Warning ... this post contain spoiler ...
Just read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ... and I end up wondering ...
You know, there's this notion in some people, that Harry Potter and JK rowling is the embodiment of the devil itself. Promoting magic to children especially Christian children. it's unacceptable ... cannot be ... atrocious etc.
Well I was just wondering now that in the story, Harry Potter chose to die, so that others can live ... and then live again... I was wondering what would be the argument from those above now ... "You know son ... Harry Potter is bad ..." "Why Dad ..." "It promotes magic ..." "Oooo ... but isn't Harry chose to sacrifice himself and rise from the dead Dad ? Just like the bible stories ?" " Welllll I dunno son, at least magic is bad, Harry Potter is bad ... end of discussion"...
Im not defending Harry Potter, but like I wrote, I just wonder ... what would the argument be ...
1 comment:
I have not read the last couple of the harry Potter series, but those that I read, left me with the feeling of increasing darkness.. as the dead came back to visit the living, as evil spirits were made to mete out a form of 'justice' and were feared. The series have to be judged as a whole, as it developed, the thoughts, the ideals, the fears, the values that it advocates. If evil is so clearly marked out, we would have no trouble recognising it ..the trouble is evil is often disguised as the angel of light with a veneer of sweetness and truth.We are not looking to raise 'smart' kids but kids who think what is good and true and pure and lovely etc.. and if such books make them look the other way, that's the beginning of caution from the parents.
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